This is a guest post from Hank.
I recently earned $40 the easy way. I was just sitting in my doctor's office minding my own business when a nurse from the office next door stopped by to ask for volunteers. It seems that they were doing a medical study on the adverse effects of vaccines. I was given the money for about thirty minutes of my time, a brief medical questionnaire, and five small vials of blood. Not bad for a half hours worth of "work".
This wasn't the first time that I had been exposed to earning money for the benefit of science. I grew up in a medium size southern town that had a fairly large teaching hospital. Not only were there lots of medical students running around the hospital's hallways, but there were also a lot of medical experiments being conducted too.
I remember hearing about one experiment that the medical college was conducting while I was a senior in high school. For $5,000, the research doctors at the school would cut off one of your big toes, sew it back on, and then measure how the loss of the toe affected your balance. All my friends and I thought that it would be so cool to have all of that money. It was a lot for a kid in high school, but none of us ever were ever gutsy enough to try for it.
Earning Money From Science:
So, of course, this recent medical study got me thinking. Can someone earn enough money from science to pay your rent? I think you can. Here are a few examples of how you can make money by giving back to help science.
Sell Plasma. Most people don't know about selling plasma. Blood plasma is prepared by spinning a tube of fresh blood in a centrifuge until the blood cells fall to the bottom of the test tube. It is just like giving blood. While you can make approximately $240 a month if you donate twice a week, it is nothing that you can get rich off of. There are also a few negative connotations associated with selling plasma, although I personally know of several respectable people from the "good side of the tracks" who sell plasma to supplement their income. Let's face it, teachers do not get paid enough (but, that's a subject for another time.)
Sell Eggs. Many women can make around $5,000 by selling their eggs to companies who resell them to women who cannot give birth. The only problem with this plan is that it takes a lot of time and patience, and there is a small surgical procedure that the woman has to go through in the end to retrieve the eggs. I knew of one lady who was trying to earn money this way, and it took months of paperwork and several doctors visits before they would even consider giving her a dime. This isn't the option to pursue if you need money in a hurry (or if you're a guy!), but it may be well worth your effort if you are patient.
Sell Sperm. Every year, approximately 75,000 American children are born thanks to a sperm donor. To qualify as a sperm donor, many sperm banks require that you be between the ages of 18 and 38, have a clean medical history, have high quality semen samples, and be able to pass a rigorous psychological and genetic screening. You must also be able to provide a medical history of you and your relatives going back several generations. The payoff can be handsome though at about $100 per visit and several visits needed each month.
Medical Experiments. Like I mentioned above, you can get paid up to $300 per day or more to participate in clinical or medical trials that test new or improved ways to treat an illness or condition. Or, you can participate in research studying a particular phenomenon or a new search for a disease's cure. In my case, I was paid to be in the control group of the study because I had never had a reaction to any vaccines. The possibilities of finding the study that is right for you should not be too hard since the possibilities are almost endless. You can get paid to participate in studies for things such as sleep deprivation, time isolation, alcohol, caffeine, nicotine studies, exercise, diet and nutrition studies, psychology studies, the list goes on & on.
Others. There are several other ways to make money in the medical arena that could be explored as well. You can consider becoming a surrogate mother which can pay tens of thousands of dollars. Or, you can sell your hair for few dollars per inch. There are many ways you can get paid for helping science. The hard part may just be finding them.
While these medical procedures listed above are not all inclusive, they can give you an idea of the possibilities that are out there. No one medical experiment, testing, or donating can solve all of your financial needs, but you can earn a decent supplemental income from some of these programs. Maybe you do not want to deliver pizzas in order to help you get out of debt faster. Maybe donating plasma is a better answer for you personally.
Source: Budgets Are Sexy
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