Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke recently said that the recession is very likely over. I'm not sure I believe it all the way (do you guys?), but I'd be lying if it doesn't sound hot. It's been a wild & crazy past 18 months, and it's nice to hear that our world isn't going to hell in a hand basket for once.
I swear, if the media stopped portraying all this gloom and doom we'd be much better off. Everyone knows that humans are emotional - you say one wrong thing and CRASH! There goes the market. But I guess the opposite would also hold true. After all, here I am helping spread the 4-5 word phrase Bernanke just spoke of ;) At least it's a positive influence though.
Regardless, I've learned a lot over this whole ordeal and I'm sure I'll learn even more. I really like that about life - $hit can be flying all over the place, yet you can usually take away some new lesson or preventative measure to help you down the road. The bigger the problems, the bigger the learning curve too! (at least that's how I see it)
5 Things the recession has taught me so far:
It IS actually possible to spend less! All I have to do is NOT go into Target, TJ Maxx, Best Buy or the mall ;) That, and PAY ATTENTION TO MY FINANCES!
No job is ever safe. I've learned that you can't stay at one company forever, so always keeping your eyes open and active keeps me sane and away from an unexpected surprise one day.
Nature is one of the best gifts to us. And it's free! Since I'm not shopping as much, I'm now going on more and more walks. I totally forgot what fresh air felt like.
Networking is M-A-G-I-C. It really is a matter of who you know these days, so keeping in touch with old friends and colleagues is something that will def. pay off in the long run - esp. if they're in your same field. My favorite way to stay in touch is over beers and 1/2 priced appetizers at happy hours! Something a few of us bloggers did last night actually.
Everyone wants to master their finances! This might be one of my favorite things right now. You're hearing personal finance spout all over the place and all of a sudden learning about money is "cool!" You & I have ALWAYS known this of course, but at least the others are catching on ;)
So whether the recession is over or not, do me a favor and remind yourselves of all the positive stuff going on in your lives these days. We can't control the economy, but we sure can change the way we're living! Here's to a happy (and hopeful) recovery my friends.
Source: Budgets Are Sexy
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